Check it out yo! Jake- Freddie Prinze Jr Kate- Shannon Elizabeth John- Joshua Jackson Zoe- Eliza Dushku Robbie The Robber- Tom Arnold One Eye- Chris Rock Floosie- Jennifer Tilly The Black Man- Bernie Mac Kelly- Rebecca Romijn Stamos Mr. Manybucks- Sean Connery Drunky the Drunk- Tim Curry The Opening Credits Roll NARRATOR: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back To The Theatre FREDDIE PRINZE JR. SHANNON ELIZABETH JOSHUA JACKSON ELIZA DUSHKU ANGST 2 (A Scream Is Heard- A Sword Slashes Through The Screen But Gets Stuck) LIVING LIFE ON THE HIGH SEAS TOM ARNOLD CHRIS ROCK JENNIFER TILLY BERNIE MAC TIM CURRY with REBECCA ROMIJN-STAMOS and SEAN CONNERY WRITTEN BY MAC THE MOVIEGUY PRODUCED BY MAC THE MOVIEGUY DIRECTED BY MAC THE MOVIEGUY The Scene Opens With Jake and Kate getting married JAKE Ah. Finally the moment I've been waiting my whole life for. PRIEST Do You Jake... JAKE Yes. I do. PRIEST Kate? KATE Of Course PRIEST That was easy. I now promote, I mean pronounce, you man and wife. You must kiss the bride. JAKE Isn't it may? Kate and Jake kiss. The camera moves to show Kelly in the audience crying with her new husband Mr. Manybucks. JAKE (V.O) Stop the presses. What happened since the first go around? CUT TO: A cruise ship. We see Kate, Jake, John, Zoe, and Kelly boarding JOHN This is going to be a blast! JAKE (V.O) Turns out no one was pregnant after all. Just a close call. ZOE Show me to my room! JAKE (V.O.) My dad and Kelly broke up. Something about "The first one was stupid and you couldn't pay me enough to come back." KELLY I'm glad I got to come along, Jake JAKE No problem. Your room is on the opposite end of the ship so you can stay the hell away from me. OK? KELLY (makes a cat sound) Meow! I'm a good girl, remember? KATE Mom. Go away. JAKE (V.O.) No new friends. Just the 4 of us on a cruise ship. The ship leaves it's dock. CUT TO: Jake and Kate's room. JAKE What should we do? KATE Develop our relationship. JAKE Huh? KATE Studies showed that we would have been more realistic the first time around if we hadn't have had sex all the time. We have to get to know each other. JAKE OK. Dinner then? KATE Yeah. Sounds Good. CUT TO: John and Zoe's room. JOHN Wanna fuck? ZOE Sure. CUT TO: Kelly's room. KELLY Hmmm. I'm gonna find me a rich bitch. CUT TO: The ballroom Kate and Jake are dining and Kelly is sitting across the room at the bar. Mr Manybucks walks up. BARKEEP What'll it be? MANYBUCKS Martini. Shaken not stirred. KELLY (not looking) A James Bond fan? (now looking) Dear Jesus! You're Sean Connery! MANYBUCKS A common mistake. I know the accent is remarkably on target but I am nothing like the actor. I have an eleven inch penis. Around. KELLY I'll think about that. MANYBUCKS I'm worth over 200 billion dollars. KELLY So? You think that'll get me in the sack? MANYBUCKS Actually, I was hoping my eleven inch penis would get you in the sack. KELLY Let me see it. Manybucks whips out his penis. BARKEEP Here's your drink. MANYBUCKS Thank You BARKEEP Oh my god. That's a huge.... MANAGER Johnson! Get back here. Theres a gigantic.. CUT TO: the stage ANNOUNCER Dick! Dick Clark everybody! ANNOYING KEY GRIP Sorry sir. He couldn't make it. He's got a big.. CUT TO: Jake and Kate JAKE (really loud)Penis! KATE No way am I going to beat that. You win the Penis game again. JAKE Isn't that a great game. It should be an Olympic sport or something. KATE Yeah. So, what are your hobbies? JAKE Other than Football, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Arm Wrestling, Track, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Weightlifting, and Knitting? KATE You Knit? JAKE What? You don't think a guy can knit? KATE I just don't see you as the knitting type. JAKE I once knitted a bra. KATE That's sweet. JAKE Can we have sex yet? KATE What did I tell you? People don't want us to have sex till we know each other better, or something romantic happens. JAKE Oh Robbie the Robber waltzes into the room with a rocket launcher. JAKE What would you do if I told you there was a man in this room with a rocket launcher. KATE A what? JAKE And he bears a striking resemblance to that guy off of True Lies? KATE Arnold Schwartzenegger? JAKE No. The other guy. The goofy sidekick guy. The one who had sex with that fat chick from Roseanne. KATE Roseanne? JAKE I don't know. I didn't watch that show. Just turn around so we can avoid anymore corny dialogue. KATE Oh. Ok Kate turns around and sees Robbie with the rocket launcher who has been awaiting his cue. KATE (overly dramatic) Oh no! Theres a man with a rocket launcher. The whole room busts out laughing. KELLY Tom Arnold is holding us up! The room laughs harder ROBBIE Screw you all. I'm here for a few people. Would Kate, Jake, Kelly, Mr. Manybucks, John and Zoe please follow me? For some reason they get up and follow him ROBBIE That was easy. John and Zoe come out of nowhere and join the group. ZOE Where are we going? ROBBIE You'll soon find out. (devilish laugh) Soon. Out. Find. You. He accidentally drops the rocket launcher. It fires off a rocket into the hull of the ship. ROBBIE Abandon ship! The ship begins to sink. My Heart Will Go On is being played by a band that appeared out of nowhere and is standing on the deck of the ship. ANNOYING KEY GRIP Iceberg right ahead! JAKE Iceberg? This is a carribean cruise! Sure enough. There is an iceberg. MANYBUCKS I have a private raft. Let's go. Kelly and Manybucks wander off. JOHN Who are you? ROBBIE I'll never tell. ZOE Who are you? ROBBIE Never. JAKE Who are you? ROBBIE Robbie the robber. I'm here with a band of pirates sent here because we want this stupid series to end and we are going to kill you so that there won't be an Angst 3. JOHN Wow. That was easy. Why'd you tell us? ROBBIE Rule of 3. JAKE You've slept with 1 guy? ROBBIE No the other rule of three. I can't stand to be asked a question more than 3 times. JAKE Oh. The Captain runs past them ZOE Hey! Aren't you supposed to go down with the ship. CAPTAIN Fuck that. I quit. He jumps in the water. ZOE (panics) WE HAVE NO CAPTAIN! Zoe runs off screaming, John follows her. Jake and Kate run toward the front of the ship. Robbie follows. The ship tilts upwards. Jake and Kate are standing on top of the ship. People are jumping off everywhere. Robbie falls off and hits a propeller., ROBBIE Ouch. He then falls into the water where he is eaten by a shark, along with a dozen other people. KATE Great. Our ship is sinking and now there's a shark in the water. JAKE Hold on. KATE I won't let go Jack. JAKE Jake, my name is Jake. KATE My bad. The duo jump into the water. JAKE It's so cold. KATE Hold On. Jake. They float to a dead body. JAKE We'll float on him. They use the dead body and float away from the wreakage. CUT TO: A deserted island. Jake and Kate have been washed ashore along with a volleyball. JAKE Hello! KATE Anybody! JAKE It's a volleyball. Jake and Kate look at each other. CUT TO: Jake and Kate playing volleyball. They have made an elaborate city out of palm trees. JAKE It's amazing what a little hard work will do these days. KATE I win. CUT TO: A pirate ship. Jake, Kate, John, Zoe, Kelly, and Mr Manybucks are on board. JAKE How the hell did we get here? ONE EYE Good question. I thought for sure we had lost you. JAKE You're a cyclops! ONE EYE And I'm black. Do you know what it's like for a black cyclops? Can a brotha get some R-E-S-P-E-C-T- up in here? Suddenly a bunch of other pirates jump out of nowhere. Respect plays in the background THE BLACK MAN R-E-S-P-E-C-T you know what it means to me FLOOSIE Just a little bit. ONE EYE Just a little bit DRUNKY R-S-P-E-T-C. ONE EYE Damnit Drunky, you done gone screwed up our whole medley. DRUNKY Am I sorry drinking lot a too much. FLOOSIE You boob. DRUNKY Whore naked. FLOOSIE Drunk. DRUNKY Eoh. FLOOSIE Oh yeah? Budweiser frog reject! DRUNKY Intern. FLOOSIE That's it! The two start fighting until One eye pulls out his gun and shoots Drunky, ONE EYE Annoying asshole. DRUNKY I AM DRUNKY! One Eye shoots Drunky again. JAKE You know that point in a movie where the annoying character gets killed. This is that point. DRUNKY Oh. Drunky falls off the ship. THE BLACK MAN Good shot one eye. KATE Please let us go. We promise there won't be an Angst 3. MANYBUCKS Why am I here? ONE EYE Because we showed the end of the movie at the beginning and you were in it. If we killed you off, the beginning would make no sense. MANYBUCKS Thank God. JAKE Wait. If you kill us, then what would happen to the beginning? ONE EYE That's a good question. FLOOSIE I suppose that you would be alive. THE BLACK MAN Or maybe you'd die and come back like Mike Myers in Halloween:Homecoming. Sometimes people just don't die. DRUNKY (from the ocean) Can I come back now? JOHN No. Go away. Your character is dead. ZOE Die! ONE EYE So what do we do now? Kermit The Frog enters. KERMIT OK. What have I told you boys about raiding other people? ONE EYE We're sorry Master Kermit. JAKE You've got to be kidding. This is a pirate ship run by a talking frog? How gay is that. JOHN Wow. That is gay. KERMIT Shut up or I'll kick your ass. KATE The frog just said ass. They laugh. KERMIT Hey! JAKE Sorry man. Could you do me a favor? KERMIT Sure. JAKE Say "Bud". KERMIT Bud. ZOE Wise. KERMIT Wise. JOHN Er. KERMIT Er. Damnit. I fall for that everytime. Kermit gets mad and throws the black man off the ship. MANYBUCKS Hey! You just repressed a black man. KERMIT Whoops. You're right, I should have thrown the rich white guy off. That's more PC. MANYBUCKS You should go get him Kermit jumps in the water. ONE EYE No! Master! One Eye jumps in after him. The gang looks at Floosie. JAKE What are you waiting for? KATE You know the part in scary movies where someone does something really stupid and everybody hates them for it? Everyone looks at the screen. FLOOSIE Is this it? KATE Fraid so. Floosie jumps off the ship. JAKE Let's get out of here. CUT TO: Jake lying on a bed. JAKE Wow. That was easy. (looking at the screen) Almost TOO Easy. NARRATOR What would you do for the girl you've always wanted? CUT TO: A car dealership. Jake is sitting in a car CAR DEALER Excellent choice. Vintage, 1978. NARRATOR What would you do for a brother in need CUT TO: A prison JAKE I don't have a brother STEVE ZAHN Thank you for coming. Thank You. CUT TO: Jake on the phone JAKE I'll drop him off in Denver. I'll see you tomorrow CUT TO: Jake and Steve Zahn in a car STEVE ZAHN Breaker 1 Nine, this is like a prehistoric internet or something. JAKE What the HELL is going on? STEVE ZAHN Can you do a woman's voice? JAKE Hey there this is candycane. Who is this? JOHN (V.O.) John, I mean, rusty nail JAKE If I were there John I Mean Rusty Nail, I'd make you feel good. Why don't we get together later in a motel. JOHN (V.O.) What room JAKE Room 17. I can't wait. STEVE ZAHN This is awesome! JAKE OK. Enough of this Joy Ride shit. CUT TO: After the wedding KATE This is the point you've all been waiting for. JAKE We are going to have sex! Kate and Jake take each other's clothes off. CUT TO: Kelly and Manybucks KELLY Do that accent again. MANYBUCKS Bond, James Bond. KELLY Oh yes! MANYBUCKS I have to get into your pants in order to save the world. KELLY Come on in. CUT TO: John and Zoe JOHN Well. That's it. ZOE Hope you enjoyed Angst 2: Living Life On The High Seas. JOHN Since we didn't die, expect Angst 3: You parody, I parody, we all parody for parodies! THE END |